Welcome to The Endy Enby!

This is a place to learn, to educate, to build community. We’ll mainly be talking about ADHD and non-binary issues and experiences. Undoubtedly, though, we’ll be covering other intersecting and related topics like social justice.

Everyone is welcome, no matter what you know or why you’re here. There will be something for everyone. Tips that help neurodivergent people can also apply to neurotypical people. Hearing non-binary experiences of gender can help you understand yourself more. Listening to people who are different from you can help broaden your horizons, and listening to people like you can help you feel heard and understood.

Monthly podcast episodes will be coming out, accessible here on the website and (hopefully) Spotify. The transcripts of the podcasts will be posted on the website as well, as blog posts. This way you can read, listen, or do both. I want the website to be as accessible as possible. If there’s anything I can do to make the website more accessible, please reach out and let me know!

I’ll also be making smaller, more informal posts, besides the more extensive podcast episodes, on whatever I feel like talking about. I don’t have a regular schedule planned for those. I have to see how work and school are going, and my capacity will likely shift at different times.

The website and podcasts are free to all, but I do have a Ko-Fi and a Patreon where you can support me and the blog on a one-time or monthly basis, respectively. You can also find The Endy Enby on social media for more casual discussions and memes. So far we have a Twitter, a Facebook page, and an Instagram, @endyenby.

I’m excited to start this journey, and I hope y’all are excited to come with me.

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